The UM@T community is fed up being just academic materials. Right from the basics of electronics, Aaenics drives the passion of building electronics in students…
Digital and Analog Command circuits
In this post I am attempting to give an overview of two main and very important things you should know when it comes to electronics,…
Using Resistors for Voltage division
Resistors as we know, if not an exaggeration are the most popular electronics components in history. They play so many vital roles in all electronic…
Do some magic with the LDR
Overview Materials needed Set up Overview What you need to know; Ohms law. Voltage division. How to use the breadboard. How the LDR works. In…
Potentiometer Controlled LED
Overview Materials Set up Overview In the “toggle an LED” article you realize that your circuit had only two distinct events, a HIGH (1) thus…
Toggle that LED HIGH
Overview Materials Set up Overview Getting an LED toggled high is not a big deal until reality hits you unaware. Many students have theoretically constructed…